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Spiritual References Defined

  • As we delve into the realm of spirit, I want to assure you, the reader, that I honor and respect all religions and spiritual paths. As they say, many paths lead to the same goal. I have studied Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca, Paganism, and Shamanism. All the various religions are fascinating to me. No matter what your religious or spiritual affiliation is, we are all generally looking for the same thing: unconditional love, peace, joy, wisdom, inspiration, creativity, prosperity.


  • I know that depending on your spiritual path you may prefer to use the word God, Higher Power, the Creator, Brahman, Allah, Yaweh, and so on. To honor and respect all religions and spiritual paths I will simply use the word God in place of all these other names.


  • Throughout my writing I will refer to the Divine as “He” to make my writing smooth and consistent. Whether you believe the Divine is a male, female, or androgynous, I value and respect your belief. However, I prefer not to continuously write “He/She/It” every time I mention God as that is much too awkward.


  • I am a student and practitioner of the art and science of raja yoga and Advaita Vedanta. Swami Sri Yukteswar is my guru. I have been taught that Jesus is the God of the west and Krishna is the God of the east, therefore I worship both.


  • Rest assured, my purpose is not to convert you to Hinduism, raja yoga or any other spiritual path or religion. My wish for you, the reader, is that you will find or have already found a religion or spiritual path that resonates with you and brings you closer to the Divine. The spiritual teachings I share are universal in nature, thus apply to any religion or spiritual path.

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