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Counseling & Book Reviews


"A man's true wealth is the

good he does in the world."

~ Kahalil Gibran

Reviews for
Intuitive Spiritual Counseling

"If the only prayer you said was

thank you,  that would be enough."

~ Meister Eckhart


"If you would like to understand where and how you are getting in your own way; if you would like to clear the fog of strong emotions and gain clear insight into what keeps you in a holding pattern; if you would like to receive amazing spiritual answers to difficult questions in your life and divinely guided practical information you can apply immediately--then book a session with Joni Palita. She has a God-given gift that allows her to see through your illusions to your divine truth within. Almost immediately you sense her purity of heart, and the quality and depth of the information she gives you. She hears the voice of God over and above any ego driven constructs, beliefs or judgments you are struggling to overcome." 


Laurie; Portland, Oregon



"Joni Palita's style of doing a session is amazing as she is full of serviceful attitude. She cares for and truly feels thankful in reading for those whom God sends to her.

Before this session I used to doubt God, always thinking whether He is doing the right thing or not; why this is happening to me. I was amazed to see how Joni Palita trusts God and believes He is the doer. She walks the teachings. Her guidance has brought faith in me and inspired me.

She told me a lot of things about this and past lives and explained how I have carried some tendencies from past lives that are causing repulsion in attracting some needful things now. She gave me a wonderful affirmation and method to do it for which I am thankful to her.

She also explained what things need focus at this stage and what are some of the distractions which I need to do away with. There were many doubts that she cleared and gave me clear direction. After the reading I was full of enthusiasm and positive attitude towards life, focused towards my service and work and full of gratitude towards God, Gurus and Joni Palita.


Devi; Pune, India



"Joni, to me you are the best. You have helped me to heal my depression and you cured me of a migraine on the spot!! Joni, you are so connected and in-tune with your Higher Self. I know that this was the best counseling I have ever had. Your blessings have made my life a lot easier. I now understand things about my life that I didn't understand before. You gave me my sanity! I love you and cherish you and wish you all the best. Bless you."


Elizabeth; Baton Rouge, Louisiana​



"Joni has a clear path to higher dimensions of our being. She is respectful with the process and made me feel secure. All the information that she shared resonated with me and has given me a new perspective on the situation I am dealing with. This new perspective can bring me new growth opportunities. I feel I can trust her 100% and feel lucky to have discovered her." 


Sergi; Barcelona, Spain



"My session with Joni Palita was extremely important to me since I needed help trying to close a period of my life that has been painful, difficult, and full of ups and downs. I had other readings in the past, but what was different from other readers is the way Joni Palita contacts your Higher Self for help. I am very grateful for the messages she was able to deliver, and her caring way of talking about very difficult things. I highly recommend her for any guidance you need in life."


Natalie; Seattle, Washington​​


Book Reviews

"One must see God in everyone."

~ Saint Catherine Laboure

Coming Soon!

"I would like my life to be a

statement of love and compassion--

and where it isn't,

that's where my work lies."

~ Ram Dass

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