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  • Joni Anjali

About Living In Your Spirit

Updated: 2 days ago

Now that I got it out of my system that tremendous loss and the perfectionism it triggered was holding me back from publishing my website, I feel like I need to take a step back and properly introduce the essence of my business, "Living In Your Spirit."

About Living In Your Spirit
(an excerpt from the website):

"Change no circumstance in my life, change me."
~ Sri Gyanamata

Hello and Welcome! When I decided upon the name of my business, Living In Your Spirit, over 20 years ago, I was a psychic medium, intuitive spiritual counselor, and hands-on healer. I helped clients all over the world improve their personal and professional lives by overcoming their egoic-illusions which were causing confusion and unhappiness. Aligning with the will and wishes of their Divine Self would always bring clarity, relief, and joy! By Divine Self, I am referring to their spirit or soul. By definition, "spirit" is God, the Eternal Absolute, all there is. All of creation is nothing but spirit. And man's true nature is the soul, which is a ray of spirit. You, your soul, is a ray of God, a ray of spirit, and is in a permanent state of love, peace, and bliss. My guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar calls the soul, "...individualized points of joyous spirit." How beautiful!

Before self-realization and enlightenment, we are living in our ego and are identified with our body, mind, thoughts, emotions, and the physical world, which are all an illusion, God's dream. Forgetting Truth and Supreme Reality leads to suffering, confusion, and helplessness, as we try to control a delusion. By learning how to live in our spirit, we remember who we are and what the will of our Divine Self is for our life. By realizing who we are and cooperating with the wisdom and love of our Divine Self, everything effortlessly falls into place. This is what Jesus meant in Matthew 6:33 when he said, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." This simple, yet profoundly powerful instruction has evolved into my life's purpose, both personally and professionally.

My business revolves around learning to "live in your spirit" and becoming self-realized. I share my own experience with learning how to live in my own spirit by throwing off the shackles of the illusion of egoic-identity, which has kept me a prisoner in the dark long enough! So I welcome you with an open heart to share this journey to self-realization and Living In Your Spirit with me!

For more about my personal journey visit:
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