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My Spiritual Path


I was born in Medford, Oregon in October 1968. Portland, Oregon has been my home since I was five. My interests include reading, writing, nature photography, hiking in the forest, the ocean, and cats. When I reflect on my life the most prominent aspect is my life-long desire to "return home to God."


When I was just four years old I asked God to show me how to get back home. I was young enough that I still remembered that before I incarnated into this body I was happy and at peace living with God. Feeling separate from God and others was a foreign feeling I didn't understand. God must answer our prayers. Little did I know then that my burning desire to return to God would put me on an intense, life-long spiritual journey that would eventually bring me onto the path of raja yoga, Advaita Vedanta (a school within Hinduism), and the pursuit of self-realization and spiritual liberation.


Being a psychically gifted child, my childhood visions added a spiritual dimension to my life from the get-go. In 1988, when I was 19 years old, I was drawn to study and practice hatha yoga and meditation. Eventually I became curious about my own psychic abilities, as well as hands-on healing. This led me to read an endless number of books and take countless classes and workshops about various spiritual and metaphysical topics. In 1997, I began offering readings, intuitive spiritual counseling, and hands-on healing to the public. Around that same time, my spiritual mentor introduced me to the art and science of raja yoga and a book about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by saying, "This has everything you are looking for." He proved to be right! In Sanskrit raja means "royal," and yoga means "union." Traditionally, raja yoga refers to both the goal of yoga (union with God), and the method of attaining it. Along with raja yoga, I also began to learn about Advaita Vedanta. This eventually led me to an international yoga community where I was a member from 2011 to 2018.


Fatefully, I met a spiritually liberated saint in 2012. As I sat with him, holding hands, unbeknownst to me, he transmitted powerful spiritual energy to me known as shaktipat. This transmission triggered self-realization and direct knowledge of Truth and Supreme Reality, as well as "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:5). The life-changing experience was indescribable as it was beyond mind, time, and the physical senses. Although I now directly knew my oneness with God, and knew that this life was an illusion, God's dream, I still had a tremendous amount of karma to work out and my struggles continued. Eventually, I felt an overwhelming pull to take the renunciate vow of Brahmacharya in 2022, so on May 10th, on my guru, Sri Yukteswar's birthday, a short vow ceremony was performed by a minister at my temple and I became a Brahmacharini nun in the Nayaswami order. Taking this vow catapulted my physical and psychological healing and spiritual growth beyond my expectations and imagination. God answered my childhood prayer and brought me back Home, with a capital H, or at least I now had one foot firmly planted inside the door... of the Kingdom of Heaven within.


As a result of these changes, I felt guided to resume my business after taking a break for several years due to health challenges. I am nowhere near the end of complete spiritual liberation. I am still learning, healing, growing, and anchoring myself to Supreme Reality, to my True Self that is One with God and All That Is, and is in a permanent state of bliss, peace and love. My heart's desire is to assist others in becoming self-realized by sharing what I have learned so far. I can think of no greater gift than to become aware of who we truly are, one with God, living in perfect peace and harmony. 

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