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"Knowledge is learning

something new every day.

Wisdom is letting go of

something every day."

~ Zen Proverb

Because my spiritual point of reference comes from yoga and Advaita Vedanta, I will use words that may be unfamiliar to some. In private sessions I do my best to tailor my language to whatever my clients spiritual or religious background is. However, I may not able to consistently do so throughout my blogs and videos. Also, I address topics such as trauma recovery and autism education, issues I have spent a lifetime dealing with. I will make references to healing methods I have utilized, such as the Inner Relationship Focusing technique, the Alpha-Stim device, and probiotics, to name a few. So, in this glossary I have included definitions for words that may assist you in better understanding the messages I am conveying. I hope you find this helpful.


108 (significance): A sacred number that signifies the universe as a whole. In Hinduism, 108 represents unity, wholeness, and spiritual completion. In Buddhism, 108 signifies a person’s connection with a higher power, guiding them toward an enlightened version of themselves. In yoga, 108 is the number of enlightenment. In astrology, the distance between the sun and the earth is 108 times the diameter or length of the sun. Meanwhile, the distance from the earth to the moon is 108 times the moon's diameter. Along with this, there are 12 houses in astrology and 9 planets. 12 x 9 = 108. In mathematics, 108 represents the wholeness of existence. It's considered infinite and divine in connection with the universe, making it a powerful in mathematics. For example, if you add up the individual numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (or “nature’s secret code”), you get 108. The sequence is mathematically described as xn = xn-1 + xn-2 and is said to be the answer to every natural phenomenon.


Advaita Vedanta: A


Affirmations: A positive statement of divine truth to which we aspire. Words are crystalized thoughts, and have great power when spoken with deep concentration. Repeated affirmations work directly on re-programming the subconscious mind, by changing thought patterns and deeply ingrained habits.

Alpha-Stim Aid: Device that utilizes "Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation" to treat anxiety, insomnia, and depression, and "Microcurrent Electrical Therapy" to treat pain. Visit for more informati

Ananda Sanga: A worldwide organization that offers spiritual support and resources based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. There are Ananda communities in Nevada City, Sacramento, Palo Alto, and Los Angeles, California; Seattle, Wshington, Portland, Oregon, as well as a retreat center and European community in Assisi, Italy, and communities near Delhi and Pune, India.  Ananda supports more than 140 meditation groups worldwide. Visit for more information.

Aspects of God (8): Light, love, peace, calmness, joy, wisdom, power, and the sound of AUM (OM).

Astral Universe / Astral body: The non-physical dimension, level, or realm of being. The subtle sphere of God's creation. A universe of light and color composed of finer-than-atomic forces. Every being, object, vibration on the material plane has an astral counterpart, for in the astral universe is the blueprint for our material universe. The astral body is man's subtle body of light, prana, or lifetrons; the second of three sheaths that encase the soul: the causal body, the astral body, and the physical body. The powers of the astral body enliven the physical body, like electricity illumines a light bulb.

Attunement (with God/the guru): No human being can make the leap from ego-consciousness to cosmic consciousness (enlightenment) by merely believing in the infinite consciousness of God. Only by mental attunement with the consciousness of an already spiritually liberated guru can we make that leap across the abyss which separates the ego from infinity. Attunement means being able to feel the guru's vibration and to draw that vibration into ourselves. The guru works on our thoughts and feelings. Our job is to offer our hearts and minds up to him in an attitude of loving receptivity, that he might transform us.

AUM (OM) / Amen: The aspect of God which creates and sustains all things; cosmic vibration. The world's great religions state that all created things originate in the cosmic vibratory energy of AUM or Amen, the Word or Holy Ghost. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..."


Autism Spectrum Disorder:


Autistic Burnout:


Autistic Camouflauging / Masking:


Autistic Meltdown:


Autistic Shutdown:

Ayurdeva: The traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. Ayurveda originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to "knowledge of life."

Avatar: Divine incarnation; souls who achieve union with Spirit (Self-realization and spiritual liberation), and then return to earth to help mankind.


Battered Woman's Syndrome:

Brahmacharya vow:
Brahmacharya can mean many things depending on the context or tradition it is being used in. Within Indian religions it literally means "conduct consistent with Brahman." In yoga and Hinduism it refers to a celibate lifestyle in which one controls their body and mind in pursuit of Self-realization and union with God. Read  my "Renunciate Vow of Brahmacharya" as written by my teacher, Swami Kriyananda, here.

Brahmachari or Brahmacharini: A man (monk) or woman (nun) who has taken the Renunciate Vow of Brahmacharya.

Causal Universe / Causal body: Behind the physical world and the astral world is the ideational, world of thought. Man as a soul is a causal-bodied being.His causal body is an idea-matrix for the astral and physical bodies.


Cycle of Violence:

Chakras: The seven occult centers of life and consciousness in the spine and brain, which enliven the physical and astral bodies of man. Chakra energy centers radiate rays of life-giving light and energy.

Chanting (mantras): Divine communion attained through devotional, concentrated repetition of root-word sounds that have a spiritually beneficial vibratory potency.


Christ Consciousness: The projected consciousness of God immanent in all creation. The "only begotten son," the only pure reflection in creation of God the Father; universal consciousness, cosmic intelligence, Infinite Christ that was manifested by Jesus, Krishna, and other avatars. Great saints and yogis know it as the state of samadhi meditation wherein their consciousness has become identified with the divine intelligence in every particle of creation; they feel the entire universe as their own body.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts by interrogating and uprooting negative or irrational beliefs. Considered a "solutions-oriented" form of talk therapy, CBT rests on the idea that thoughts and perceptions influence behavior. Feeling distressed, in some cases, may distort one’s perception of reality. CBT aims to identify harmful thoughts, assess whether they are an accurate depiction of reality, and, if they are not, employ strategies to challenge and overcome them.

Dark Night of the Soul: The term "dark night of the soul" comes from the poem and book, "Dark Night," by the 16th century Spanish mystic, Saint John of the Cross. In his poem and book Saint John describes the soul's journey to union with God, i.e., Self-realization or enlightenment. The dark night of the soul is the stage of final and complete purification, and is marked by confusion, helplessness, stagnation of the will, and a sense of the withdrawal of God's presence. It is the period of finally releasing the ego, and a surrender to the hidden purposes of the Divine Will.

Dharma: Eternal principles of righteousness that uphold all creation; man's inherent duty to live in harmony with these principles. "Right way of living." On an individual level, dharma can refer to a personal mission or purpose.

Disciple: A spiritual aspirant who comes to a guru seeking introduction to God, and to this end establishes an eternal relationship with the guru.

Ego / Egoism: The egoic-identity is the root cause of dualism (maya), or the seeming separation between man and his Creator. By banishing ego-consciousness, man awakens to his divine identity, his oneness with God.

Enlightenment: According to Paramhansa Yogananda, enlightenment is when the soul has achieved samadhi.  There are two, basic levels of samadhi: sabikalpa samadhi wherein the soul achieves the experience of cosmic consciousness (usually in a trance-like, immobile state) but otherwise returns to ego consciousness after the experience; and nirbikalpa samadhi when the soul achieves enlightenment and the state of samadhi from which the soul can never “fall” (back into ego consciousness). In the latter state, the soul returns to ordinary consciousness but retains his/her connection with inner freedom and can enter the glorious state of samadhi at will. *See definition of samdhi below.

Evil: The satanic force that obscures God's omnipresence in creation, manifesting as disharmonies in man and nature. Anything contrary to divine law (dharma) that causes man to lose the consciousness of his essential unity with God, and that obstructs attainment of God-realization.

Gunas (3): Guna is a Sanskrit word which translates as “quality, peculiarity, attribute, or tendency.” In yoga and Ayurveda, a guna is an element of reality that can affect our psychological, emotional and energetic states. "Sattva" manifests itself as purity, knowledge, and harmony. It is the characteristic of goodness, joy, satisfaction, nobility, and contentment. "Rajas" is expressed as passion, action, energy, and motion. It’s characterized by a feeling of attachment and a longing for satisfaction and desire. "Tamas" manifests itself as impurity, laziness, and darkness. It is the consequence of ignorance and it prevents all beings from seeing reality.

Guru: A true God-illumined spiritual teacher who has realized his identity with the omnipresent Spirit.

Gut Microbiome: The largest endocrine organ, sometimes called the "forgotten organ." Your gut is your gastrointestinal system and includes your stomach, intestines and colon. About 200 different species of bacteria, viruses and fungi live in your large intestine. The bacteria and other micro-organisms in your gut are known as your gut microbiome. The bacteria help to break down food, turning it into nutrients your body can use. Certain types of bacteria in your gut may contribute to some diseases. Some microorganisms are harmful to our health, but many are beneficial and necessary for good mental and physical health. A higher level of diversity in gut bacteria is an important indicator of the health of your gut microbiome, and therefore your overall health.

Hatha yoga:
In Sanskrit ha means "sun" and tha means "moon." And hatha means "force." Yoga means "union." Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga concerned with balancing and mastering different energies in the body. Hatha yoga is a life philosophy, incorporating how we relate to external and internal experience as a path to inner peace.

Homeopathy: A system of alternative medicine that treats a disease by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce symptoms in healthy persons similar to those of the disease. The word homeopathy originated from two Greek words “homeos and pathos” meaning “similar” and “suffering." Homeopathic literally means “similia similibus curentur” that means “let likes be treated by likes."

Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis is an altered state of deep relaxation, focused attention, increased awareness, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. Hypnotherapy can help some people change certain behaviors, such as stopping smoking. It can also help people change perceptions and sensations, and is particularly useful in treating pain. Hypnosis is considered an aid to psychotherapy because the hypnotic state allows people to explore painful thoughts, feelings, and memories they might have hidden from their conscious minds.


Inner Relationship Focusing technique by Ann Weiser-Cornell: An awareness, mind-body process, that helps you manage the upsets of daily life and move beyond difficult old patterns that can show up in painful ways like addiction, procrastination, anxiety, depression, emotional overwhelm, and dysfunctional relationships. *I use this technique regularly and find it powerful and effective in over-coming negative emotions in the present and healing repressed emotions from the past. Visit for more information.

Intuition: The all-knowing faculty of the soul, which enables man to experience direct perception of truth without the intermediary of the senses.

Karma: Effects of past actions, from this or previous lifetimes. Action and reaction; cause and effect; sowing and reaping. Each man by his thoughts and actions becomes the creator of his destiny.


Krishna Consciouness: See "Christ Consciousness" above.


Kirtan: A Sanskrit word meaning “praise” or “eulogy.” It's also known as sankirtana and is used to describe a form of call-and-response chanting involving mantras or hymns.

Kriya yoga: A sacred spiritual science, originating millenniums ago in India. It includes techniques of meditation whose devoted practice leads to realization of God.

Kundalini: A powerful current of creative life energy residing in a subtle coiled passageway at the base of the spine. In ordinary waking consciousness, the body's life force flows from the brain down the spine and out through this coiled kundalini passage, enlivening the the physical body and tying the astral and causal bodies and the indwelling soul to the moral form. In higher states of consciousness that are the goal of meditation , the kundalini energy is reversed to flow back up the spine to awaken the dormant spirtual faculties in the cerebrospinal centers (chakras).

Liberation (spiritual): A

Magnetism (spiritual): A

Mantra: A

The delusory power inherent in the structure of creation, by which the One (Spirit) appears as many. In Sanskrit, maya means "illusion" or "magic." Maya is the principle of relativity, inversion, contrast, duality, oppositional states. Maya is nature herself--the phenomenal worlds, ever in transitional flux as antithesis to Divine Immutability. Maya is the veil that each man must lift in order to see behind it the Creator, the changeless Immutable, eternal Reality.

Meditation: Interiorized concentration with the objective of perceiving God. True meditation is conscious realization of God through intuitive perception.

Medulla Oblongata (Mouth of God): This structure at the base of the brain (top of the spinal cord) is the principle point of entry of life force (prana) into the body. The subtle center is the main switch that controls the entrance, storage, and distribution of the life force.


Mystic: A person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.

Naturopathy: A system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, use of supplements, exercise, acupuncture, and massage. Naturopathy focuses on the body's natural capacity to heal itself under the right conditions.


Neurodiverse / Neurodiversity:

Paramhansa Yogananda:
Indian avatar who lived in the United States from 1920 to 1952 and introduced millions to meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization, Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) / Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS) of India. Disciple of my guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar.

Prana: Condensed thoughts of God. Sparks of intelligent finer-than-atomic energy that constitutes life; substance of the astral world and life principle of the physical cosmos.

Probiotics: Live microorganisms that, when ingested, provide a health benefit. Your gut microbiome, the largest endocrine organ, is made up of microorganisms. Some scientists refer to the gut microbiome as the "forgotten organ." Probiotics help correct the balance of the gut microbiome so that the "forgotten organ" is functioning properly.

Psychic Medium: A medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned his or her extrasensory perception and can interface with the spirits in other dimensions. They are able to feel and/or hear thoughts, voices, or mental impressions from the spirit world.

Raja Yoga: In Sanskrit raja means "royal," and yoga means "union." Traditionally, Raja yoga refers to both the goal of yoga (union with God), and the method of attaining it.

Reality: A

Reincarnation: A

Sadhana: Path of spiritual discipline. The specific instruction and meditation practices prescribed by the guru for his disciples, who by faithfully following them ultimately realize God.

Samadhi: The highest step on the Eightfold Path of Yoga. Samadhi is attained when the meditator, the process of meditation (the mind is withdrawn from the senses), and the object of meditation (God), become one. Samadhi is characterized by oneness with the ever new bliss of Spirit.

Sanskrit: A

Satan: A

Self (with a capital S): A

Self-Realization: A

Self-Realization Fellowship: SRF is a global organization that aims to disseminate among the nations a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God. Since 1920, SRF has been spreading the teaching of Kriya yoga as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. SRF has temples and teaching centers all over the world, as well as an online community. Visit for more information.

Siddhis: Abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, levitation, and more. In Sanskrit the word siddhis is a noun and means "knowledge," "accomplishment,"attainment," or "success." These extra-ordinary powers, according to Patanjali, are acquired by birth, herbs, mantra repetition, ascetic practices, or concentration.

Sin: A

S.M.A.R.T. Recovery:
"Self Management and Recovery Training" is the leading, evidence-informed approach to overcoming addictive behaviors and leading a balanced life. There are free, weekly in-person and online support group meetings all over the United States and Cananda. Visit for more information.

Solfeggio frequencies: Spe
cific tones of sound that help with and promote various aspects of body and mind health. These frequencies are reputed to date back to ancient history and said to be the fundamental sounds used in both Western Christianity and Eastern Indian religions, chanted by the Gregorian Monks and in ancient Indian Sanskrit chants. Physician and researcher, Dr. Joseph Puleo, rediscovered Solfeggio frequencies in the 1970s, bringing their benefits back into public awareness. In his research, he used mathematical numeral reduction to identify six measurable tones that bring the body back into balance and aid in healing. They were believed to profoundly affect the conscious and subconscious mind in order to stimulate healing and promote vitality. For a sample of Solfeggio frequencies videos click here.

Soul and Spirit: A

Superconsciousness: A

Swami Sri Yukteswar: A

Trinity: A

Vibration (spiritual): A

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A collection of 196 Sanskrit verses, written by an enlightened yogi named Patanjali in roughly 400 C.E., that serve as a guide to attain wisdom and Self-realization through yoga. The text is regarded by many as the basis of yoga philosophy.

Yugas: A


"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and

those who humble themselves will be exhalted."

~ Matthew 23:12

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