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Intuitive Spiritual Counseling

"Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

What to Expect

"The innermost light, shining peacefully and timelessly in the heart, is the real guru.

All others merely show the way."

~ Nisgardatta Maharaj

During a session I will help you differentiate between the will of your ego and the will of your Divine Self. Allowing the ego to control your life eventually leads to pain and confusion. Surrendering to the will of your Divine Self, on the other hand, leads to clarity, peace and joy. We will journey out of the labyrinth of darkness into the light. Initially, I use my intuitive abilities to communicate with your soul. Then I will give you practical tools for developing your intuition and discovering the light of God, Self, Truth and Supreme Reality within. During the session we may discuss personal and/or professional issues, and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you wish. You will leave the session feeling uplifted, inspired, joyful, and peaceful, with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

Basic Zoom Session

Learn, heal, grow, and become inspired!

One 90-minute Intuitive Counseling Session is $108.

Discount on Three Pre-Paid Sessions

Keep the momentum going!

Receive a $29 discount when you pre-pay for three sessions.

This is a $324 value for just $295.

*Discount not available with other discounted sessions.

Discounted Birthday Session

Happy Birthday! Celebrate another revolution around the sun!

Enjoy a $9 discount on a 90-minute session during your birthday month.

Birthday sessions are $99. 

*Discount not available with other discounted sessions.

*See reviews @ bottom of page

Schedule a Session

Follow these 3 easy steps...

1:  Email me, Joni Palita, at

to request a session.

2:  Expect an email reply within 24 hours.

I will send you a payment link and my availability.

3:  Make your payment and send an email confirming

the session date and time of your choice.

I will then send you the Zoom link to use on the day of our session.

 * Please note: I am available on a limited basis for sessions.

~ Thank you!

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other licensed professional. I am a Brahmacharini nun and psychic-medium. I am not a medical intuitive. The purpose of a session is to intuitively guide and mentor you regarding universal spiritual truths and practices. This is in no way a substitute for seeking professional services when necessary, such medical, psychiatric, or legal help and advice. All comments, guidance, and answers to your questions that I give during your session should at no time be regarded as medical, legal, financial, or business advice or facts, and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. What you decide to do with the information that is given to you, including any actions you take, is your own decision, and is not legally binding. You are responsible for your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and the choices you make.


"I looked in temples, churches, and mosques. 

But I found the Divine within my heart."

~ Rumi

"My session with Joni Palita was quite possibly the most emotionally satisfying event of my life. My whole being felt so good, I asked her if I could come back the next day. Her insights into the proceedings made the whole process incredibly meaningful. I would recommend Joni Palita to anyone interested in making their evolution of spirit a conscious one." 


Dan; Long Beach, California​​​​​​​

"When I was invited to have a session with Joni Palita, I jumped at the chance. Things had not been going well for some time. I felt trapped and needed some clarity and direction. Nothing I had been doing or trying was working or bringing me any positive results. From the moment we started, Joni Palita tuned into the internal battlefield that was raging and reminded me that every hurdle has a purpose, and it was not my job to fix it, but to let go and trust in God. So many times the 'illusion' feels real, but we cannot move past it when coming from a place of fear and desperation. What I thought I was doing to help myself was just me getting in my own way. When Joni Palita spoke words to me from my Higher Self it was an immediate understanding and knowing that this was truth. For the first time in two years I was able to breathe. Joni Palita guided me to make some changes that have already made a big difference. I am so thankful for her time and guidance, and highly recommend her. Thank you, Joni Palita, for reminding me that God's plan is far better than my ego's, and everything is going to be alright."


Natalia; Cape Town, South Africa ​

"Joni Palita is a divine channel of authentic love for Divine Mother. I experienced first hand the level of deep commitment and love that Joni Palita has for her path and in assisting others in their spiritual growth and evolution during my session with her. Because of Joni Palita's commitment to her own spiritual path she is able to bring through a tremendous amount of love and healing energy. She is a true voice for Divine Mother at a time when the world needs to receive this divine communication. For anyone committed to exploring their spiritual side Joni Palita will help you bring about grand changes in your life beyond what you could ever imagine. I am honored to experience this precious love and I am humbled to be in the presence of such a profound enlightened being that Joni Palita truly is."


Chris; Vancouver, Washingon

"Joni Palita's session for me was very valuable. Afterwards, I experienced profound healing. Joni Palita is a compassionate person by nature, and when she listened to and communicated the messages from my Higher Self and from others' in regards to my questions, I experienced the healing and centering power of truth. This helped me move forward. I am very grateful and recommend Joni Palita highly."


Maia; Sacramento, California

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