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My YouTube Channel

"We should take inspiration from the sun and work constantly for the benefit of mankind, so that peace and prosperity prevail everywhere."

~ Samaveda; Hindu Scripture

Joni Palita Anjali @LivingInYourSpirit

  • YouTube

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Spirituality Playlist

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Guided Meditation, Affirmations,
Prayers, and Chanting Playlist

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Autism Spectrum Disorder
Education Playlist

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Trauma Recovery Playlist;
Domestic Violence and Psychological, Sexual, and Religious Abuse

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Podcast Interview

Enlightened Empowered Evolved Podcast

Interview with Loot Byron Smith

_____ __, 2024

Video Coming Soon!

Documentary Filmmaker Mary Knight's True Memory Campaign:

How do you know your childhood sexual abuse memories are real?

*Trigger warning: This video interview contains graphic conversation about childhood sexual abuse that may be disturbing to some viewers.

April 19, 2024: Joni, refused to smile at age 4

Video Coming Soon!

"Whatever happened, happened for the good. 

Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. 

Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good."

~ The Bhagavad Gita

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